Thursday, January 29, 2009

True Rest

I have only been blogging for about two months and I'm already off to a bad start. It's been like a month since I've been on here and it's definately not because I haven't had anything to write about. For the past three weeks our church has been in a time of prayer and fasting. We have been having morning prayer every morning at 6. Barton and I have been trying to make all of them but we have missed a few days, like Tyler Tullos said a couple Sundays ago at church, my bed never feels more comfortable than it does at 5 in the morning when it's time to go get up and go to prayer.However the feeling throughout the rest of the day when I do make it to prayer in the morning is that of no other feeling. I just have peace and patience to deal with whatever the devil decides to throw at me during the course of that day. These past few weeks God has really been speaking to me more than he has before, I believe it's becuase I am letting myself slow down and hear that small voice that is God speaking into me.I love that voice, it's so comforting when I feel like everything around me is going wrong and falling apart, I can rest in him knowing that it's not up to me, it's all in his hands and he knows what he's doing.

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